Sunday, 24 October 2010

Hey! So...

Organic Words is having a Poetry Let's Write from now until October 31. Write Spooky Poetry for Halloween of Saintly Poetry for All Saints Day. Or write both. Your choice. Also, NaNoWriMo ( and Young Writer's NaNoWriMo ( start on November 1 and goes until midnight on November 30. Be there! (NaNoWriMo( is for people 13 and older. Thank you.) So, just wanted to give you the same ol' run down. Also. I was thinking the Knights of the Writer's Table(Book Club 4 Organic Words) readers could do a reading project. Here is what it is. Email me if you want in....

  • Pick a book, whether you are reading for school or if its for fun have a book to read by December 1. 
  • Read the book until you're done, preferably BEFORE December 28. 
  • For a few days, think about the book. That's right. Think. Just for fun....
  • Then write ONE word that describes the book. Don't make it a word like fun. Or interesting. You could say that about any book. Do some research if you have to. Go to Merriam-Webster's ( and look up some words that you think might describe it. The Thesaurus tells you which words are synonyms, similar, antonyms, and what the word means. Its pretty cool. 
  • Then send the title of the book and the word to me ( and I'll post it along with some New Year's stuff. Then other people can read the book and write their own description if they want. But still, send in a word, the title and let other people know about the book, whether it be a warning to keep away( the book was horrible) or to go find it as fast as possible (the book was awesome). 

So email me if you want to do it and if I get enough people we will go ahead and proceed. Otherwise, here is our word for the month:


big·ot  noun \ˈbi-gət\

Definition of BIGOT

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance 
Alright then. Merriam Webster Online said this was the most looked up word on October 1, 2010. So I thought it would be good to post it here today. 


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