Blogger has a wonderful tool called Blogger in Draft. (For the people who blog, its found at the bottom of the page in the resources box.) Blogger in Draft allows you to take a simple template and change the colors, images, format, and text fonts. It is more advanced than the 'Fonts and Colors' link (under the Layout tab) because it has more options. 'Fonts and Colors' is still available.
Also, April is Poetry Month and so I'd like to share with you all, an idea.
Everybody here has heard of the game Authors or a Round Robin right? They are basically the same thing. In Authors one person starts a story and the next person continues, and the person next to them continues, goes on and on until somebody feels like ending it.
A Round Robin is the same thing, but people go chapter by chapter and end up writing a book.
So here at the Head-Quarters of Organic Words and Knights of the Writer's Table we had a thought. What if we had a thing called Pass-it-Along Poetry. I write a stanza and then the first person to comment writes the second stanza and so on. So I shall begin.
The poem is called
by the wonderful readers and writers at Knights of the Writer's Table
The air is scented with the smell
Of cherry tree blossoms,
A beautiful scent in which to dwell,
The smell of cherry tree blossoms.
Now. You guys continue the poem in your own way. Maybe you should talk about the different fruits of Spring or the different sights of spring. But remember, one stanza per person so that we all get a turn. We may make the poem as long as we want, and you can do multiple stanzas, but one stanza to begin with okay?When everyone else has gone, then you can start another stanza.
~Sir Basil
Echo!!!(echo, echo ,echo...etc.) Where is everyone???